LGBTQIA+ History Month 2024

Scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across and shared an important moment in Lesbian history: the day a group of lesbians abseiled into the House of Lords in protest against Section 28. 

Click here to see my Facebook post. 

A great historical moment for lesbians.🏳️‍🌈 If you can't get in one way, try abseiling in! 😂 

Unfortunately, some are still stuck back in this era and insist on dragging this discriminatory attitude from their schools days into the present day where it's not appropriate. 

This is a huge problem because it effectively means that young people who are now in their 30's and 40's were brought up in this repressive anti-LGBT+ environment and still act out this discriminatory, hate-filled attitude decades later, so adversely affecting the next generation and destroying the lives of young LGBTQIA people today.

This is also the generation that is bringing up school children today so it means they may well indoctrinate their own children against gay people. If they are in the education field, whether schools or universities, they ruin the lives of university students and gay people in academia by their hateful homophobia. This is something that is neither mentioned nor addressed. Everyone pretends that it's all in the past. I'm present day proof that this is not the case. This homophobia continues to seriously impact on me and my academic research whether it's the negative attitude to my work or to me as a person. 

Sandi Toksvig writes movingly in her recent book (2020) 'Between the Stops: The View of My Life from the Top of the Number 12 Bus' about her experience of homophobia throughout her life. She brought me to tears reading it. I can identify with so much that she writes and I shouldn't. 

Things should be different now, shouldn't they!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
