Happy #GlobalPride2020!

I was going to begin this blog on the 1st of June for the beginning of Pride month but postponed it due to the #AllBlackLivesMatter social media blackout and their continuing protests which I am supporting on my facebook. So I decided to post the inaugural blog post today on the 1st Global Pride Day, hosted as a virtual event online1 for 26 hours on end! This event was created to provide everyone in the LGBTQIAPD+ community with a Pride event during COVID-19 when street parades and events have been cancelled all around the world. I’ve been watching it continuously on the Global Pride website all of today and loving it! No doubt, it’s awesome to be marching in the Pride Parade in the street, there’s something powerful about being physically in the middle of thousands of people as we all march, celebrate and continue the Stonewall protests against the continuing human rights violations against the LGBTQIAPD+ community. I find it so affirming and inspiring every time I go! Nevertheless, I’d like to see this Global Pride virtual event continue every year from now on, beyond COVID-19 restrictions, as a Pride for everyone to watch and participate in online, as well as turning up to their Pride Parade/March in person.

Virtual Global Pride adds to Pride Month in important ways. I’ve found it fascinating, moving and empowering to see videos and hear accounts from LGBTQIA+ people from so many countries and cultures around the world. One, it shows that we are not some small, minority community dotted here and there. As there is greater and greater awareness of the broad range of gender and sexual identities (and the culturally different ways these identities manifest themselves), it becomes apparent that our community includes a huge number of people. By seeing organizations and individuals from every corner of the world identifying with the LGBT+ community, it highlights how we exist in every society and culture, irrespective of the level of oppression and discrimination exerted to erase our community. Two, virtual Global Pride provides a platform for the achievements and plights of LGBT+ everywhere, so I was able to learn about countries which are either not talked much about or only presented through a Western lens. Here, I was able to hear their own histories and experiences first hand, directly from those who live in that culture and country so I can try to see it through their eyes, which increases understanding and empathy. This is an important aspect of this month, both in its capacity as a celebratory Pride Month and as Pride History Month, so we are knowledgeable about our community and become even more aware of the work that needs to be done to save LGBTQIAPD+ lives and improve rights everywhere for everyone.

Two quotes from the virtual Global Pride event I’d like to share here, which capture both life as a member of the LGBTQIAPD+ global community and the spirit of this blog are:

“My silence will not protect me”

“Be loud, be proud, be visible on the streets and online”   

I’ll continue discussing virtual Global Pride over the next few posts.....

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