WTF?! What Country Am I Living In?

This month (July 2022), it has come to my attention that there has been a false, malicious welfare report to the police by an harasser about myself and my mother to victimise us and try to deprive us of our human rights and liberties and negatively impact on our lives and reputation.

This false malicious welfare report resulted in a completely unnecessary, inappropriate harassment-derived welfare visit to our home on the 6th July 2022 (which is Omnisexual Visibility Day) that wasted police time and resources. This is not the first time: the previous time was in early 2014 when someone asked the police to rush to a Breach of the Peace at our previous home address. Just like this year, it was completely fabricated and unnecessary - all was quiet and calm before, during and after their police visit. 

On the 6th July 2022, I had only just published my daily blog post on the tennis blog I founded which, for that fortnight, was all about the Wimbledon tennis coverage that my mother and I were happily watching together. I had served a pasta dish I had cooked for us to eat together when two police officers with batons swooped in like there was a crime scene to attend to, complete with a large police van, just to merely arrive at our quiet home.

I answered the door to the policeman and he cited his reason as a welfare check because we hadn't been seen by people, but he only mentioned people I don't know and who don't know me. I explained there was no need, we were both fine and well and that I do not have a social worker and we had both been visible to the neighbours recently when going to the shops on foot only a few days prior. Nevertheless, he asked to enter our house to check on my mother's welfare. He entered our home with another policeman and we took the opportunity to ask their advice about local street harassment we sometimes experience, as most women do at some point, and is something that the local police are collecting data on by asking people about it for a period of 3 months over this summer. After our chat with them and seeing all was well, they left and they said any follow-ups would be up to us to initiate and that further police welfare visits to our home would be unnecessary. 

The point is the police should never have been deployed in the first place. Police should be attending crime scenes not a quiet family home for no good reason!

We do not know anybody who could legitimately raise such a concern. And certainly none of my relatives are eligible to claim anything about me, my whereabouts, my welfare, except my mother (with whom I live and is the homeowner yet nobody asked her first if we were safe and well before taking such drastic action). None of my relatives are eligible to claim they have lost contact with me because I have freely and willingly chosen to be estranged from my father since 2013 and his family as well since 2014, after his mother / my grandmother tried to persuade me to change my lesbian sexual orientation and to begin dating men. 

We had not been due to appear anywhere, see anyone or turn up for an appointment so we were not missing from anything we had consented to or booked. We have strong home security after we started to have repeated attempts by rough-looking, random male strangers to aggressively gain entrance into our property (garden and house). So we do not consent to people entering our gardens or property and we do not have a policy of opening the door to everyone who thinks they have a reason to badger us into opening our front door, be it for professional or casual or evangelical reasons.

It is very serious when two law abiding British Citizens cannot simply relax in the privacy of their own home without interference. The entire fabricated welfare issue and the way it has been handled by authorities so far was deemed very "bizarre" by one of the solicitors I have spoken to recently. 

I want to reassure my readers and followers that my mother and I were and still are, of course, alive, safe and well. Neither of us have been in any danger (both indoors and outdoors), nor were missing at any point, irrespective of what some harassers may falsely imply with wildly inaccurate claims that we hadn't been seen in weeks. Quite the contrary, we have evidence that we went shopping locally in person frequently all these months. I had also been putting the bins out regularly before such false reports were made. It is impossible for any neighbours to miss seeing me on dustbin day, when they casually look out onto the streets as they wait around for the Council's bin collections at all sorts of times of the day, and even late collections on a different day. I had even been greeting the dustman as he collected my bins.

I have also been very visible taking photos in the street at various times and days, throughout May, June and July this year, be it to report fly-tipping, or to record the damage done to my hedge by workmen from the Water company while they were improving the street drains, as well as nature photography in my local area: see my Instagram 15 June 2022:

Besides, my mother and I have a close, healthy relationship with each other and always have had. If anything were to happen to either of us, the other would raise the alarm for help, without the interference of anyone else. I have never suffered abuse from my mother and she has never endangered me in any way. We have an excellent mother-daughter relationship. And we would never just disappear on each other: we always tell each other where we're going, why and for how long. If you knew us, then you would know that about us. Clearly the harasser hasn't a clue about us!

I also generally have an active online presence, and ironically, July 6th 2022 was during the period of time I was blogging daily as well as posting on social media so I was at my most visible and contactable online. My mother's online presence is ever expanding so she is more visible worldwide than she has ever been.

Let's get some facts straight:

I am 35 years old and do not have (and have never suffered from) mental health issues or disabilities. Nor have I had any physical issues or disabilities, quite the contrary, I have trained hard and competed as a professional tennis player and am still a player member of the International Tennis Federation. I certainly do not have learning difficulties: it is clear from my internet profiles that, after graduating from university with a BA, I have been an independent researcher and author for the past 9 years, have presented at academic conferences and am currently in the middle of writing another academic book (my 6th). I am also an independent artist, musician and content creator, with numerous internet profiles which show my academic, artistic, musical and written work. I also have a huge online presence generally, including on social media and founding and leading two online educational groups and websites. The last two have been started very recently! Just because I don't work 9-5 for someone else doesn't mean I don't work. 

I have never suffered from, or been diagnosed with, any mental health conditions or issues and neither has my mother. I have not applied for, or ever been in receipt of, any benefits (eg universal credit). My mother, Jana Kaucky, and I are the sole residents at the property where I live. It is not a Council owned property and there are no tenancy or lease agreements so they have no right to enter our property without our consent. My mother is the sole homeowner and the house belongs to her (freehold). Neither of us are vulnerable adults and my mother is not elderly She is fit and healthy too. 

Neither of us would be eligible for Adult Social Care. Nevertheless, my Council has decided to try to inappropriately force their Adult Social Care system onto me, not making it clear at all for what specifically or what my so-called welfare needs would actually be (in a letter dated 15th July 2022). It was purely written on the strength of the false welfare report to the police, despite the fact that I never applied for Social Care; I have never received any Child or Adult Social Care in the past; I would never consent to it and am not even eligible for it. To be eligible for Adult Social Care, you must have a disability (eg learning difficulties, mental health conditions, dementia); or have an Adult Safeguarding issue (ie being abused or are at risk of abuse); be in need of specialist equipment to help you physically get about your home; or you are a Carer. None of these apply to me (or her) so I shouldn't be hearing from Social Care services. Also, I do not have any children so there cannot be any child welfare concerns involved. 

Social Care is meant for people who are in need and want assistance so they shouldn't be wasting time, resources and money on me when I don't need it and don't want it. It should never be forced onto someone. And it's unfair that Adult Social Care is wasting time on foisting it onto me without my consent, no application submission, without me being even vaguely eligible while I'm leading an athletic and very full, independent life, in the middle of working as an independent researcher, author, artist, musician and more while those in need are trying to grapple with the complexities and requirements of the fussy application system, waiting and hoping it even gets approved so they can receive vital equipment and/or assistance to lead an independent life that they otherwise cannot have.

This is what your Council Tax is spent on?! It should be halved!

I have not met with anyone from Adult Social Care or let them enter my home as they attempted to do without any consent from myself or my mother on the 21st of July 2022. The letter is not even signed, has a very disrespectful tone and my surname Kaucky is misspelt (no trouble with the English last name which still occurs on documents but not one I use) despite me being recorded as a resident at this property since 2014.

However, Adult Social Care is aware I am instead busy taking legal advice because this bizarre situation should never happen to anyone. It's a waste of time, resources, money and causes unnecessary stress to the victims. My mother and I have well thought-out, rational reasons and objective evidence that we need to assert our rights, including privacy, property and right to make our own safety and healthcare choices etc. So I do not appreciate harassers making false reports in order to spread malicious depictions of us and encourage various authorities to override our wishes and home security system, be it in the name of our safety and welfare or anything else. Summer is also DIY time for me so I don't appreciate the distraction. The house is a constant work in progress. It's not palatial but I've improved it and continue to do so! However, it has to fit around my work, not the other way round! It's taking time away from my work and busy schedule. I'm not just sitting around at home with nothing better to do than answer to hysterical people causing problems and extra, unnecessary work for me!

If anyone wishes to chase someone up about the matter, how about going after the harasser who made the false welfare police report in the first place instead of running after me wasting my time.
