Pride 2024

Pride in London June 29th 2024

It's now 55 years since the Stonewall uprising in New York. 

'We are Everywhere': is the slogan for this year's Pride in London 2024. But LGBTQ+ individuals have been everywhere since beginning of time.

However, the point is: the LGBTQ+ community should not have to keep fighting for their human rights. As human beings they automatically have inalienable human rights which no other human has the right to try to take away!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Society isn't giving gay people equal human rights. Gays already have inalienable equal human rights, all society needs to do is keep their grubby hands off our human rights! 

Therefore, no one has the right to practise conversion therapy on anyone for any reason since no one is superior to anyone else. Trying to convert someone is against that individual's human rights. It's their decision what they think and believe. No one has the right to mess with the mind of another especially if it's only to change or alter their mind about something. This applies across the board not just to religion. 

Freedom and democracy are all about the individual having choice. Totalitarianism, fascism, communism, and theocracies, are all about controlling people by, usually, violent means which is what conversion therapy is, violent! 

It's not for anyone to tell someone they've made the 'wrong' choice and then say so I'm going to brainwash you or harass you into what I think is the 'right' choice albeit not in so many words. It's often through actions. And all these people who go around harming others in this way are always, without exception, linked to a powerful institution so they're not playing fair. That's why life isn't fair so what does it matter if sport isn't fair. Tall tennis players serve out of a tree, short ones are quick around the court. It evens out, but the tall player tries to overpower the shorter player.

LGBTQIAPD2Sn-b individuals exist and have existed since the beginning of time and have existed as part of the human race, not some 'other' so, I repeat, no individual is more important than another!!
